
我的投资故事 ——赌博的开始




当时我的投资字典for dumb里有八字真言


我是在2004年用RM500++买下了第一支股票,而且是用别人的户口来买的。因为当时还是个不够岁当股民又没钱的大学生。那支股是carlsberg 忘了买多少钱,大概是RM5.45吧。为什么会买呢?是因为在biz.Thestar看见carlsberg有派7sen股息。咦,7sen喔,很多了。买啦!

当时什么都不会,若知道什么是TaxesMaybank Dividend ChargeDividend Yield应该就不会买了。

Rm500++只能买到100unit Carlsberg
100unit x RM0.07 dividend= RM7
Rm7- 28%taxes – Maybank Charge RM2.50 = RM2.54
所以我的net dividend yieldRM2.54


我的投资字典多了两个字及两个words– “天真“Dividend Yield”

2004-2005 --黑暗时代

人家说冷眼很厉害,我读的第一本投资书就是冷眼的书。读了几遍结果还是领悟不到什么。我没天分吧!过后读了好多有的没的,厉害更厉害的书,市场上的bestseller都差不多读了。有人说Peter Lynch真的真的很厉害喔,连续beat the market十多年!一定要读它的书。读了Peter Lynch的书,我也觉得他真的真的很厉害。

所以我的投资字典for dumb里又多了四个字—— “我不厉害

读完了Peter Lynch<<One Up On Wallstreet>><<Beat The Street>>。你问我应该怎样开始投资股票?怎样选股票?




我的理解能力可能没酱好,所以读了Peter Lynch的书后,我会哦哦哦哦哦!对horhor,作麽我没想到过的。酱都能酱分析。然后,ok我今天要用PeterLynch的方法来分析。坐在电脑前,我就会变dumb了,到底从那里start leh?要先看什么了?算了啦!我还是跟我的心情,心情好就买,心情不好就随便买,随便卖。


2006年,在一次的机缘下,我在TimeSquare Borders看见了一本书。这书的价钱是RM94.60,对还是学生的我是很贵的。第一次看了,没买;第二次去TimeSquare,又看,没买;回到家后,一直想这本书所教的东西,心里不平衡了。结果第二次的第二天马上去把这本书买了。我人生中最贵的一本书。

这书是影响我最深的一本书。因为它是我所看的书里是解释得simple又有system to invest的书。它里面有教到:

第二步是看Moat:这公司的强处在那里。它的competitive advantage是什么。
第四步是看Margin of SafetySales,EPS, NTA, FreeCashFlow Growth rate
第五步是用Technical indicator 来分析When to buyWhen to sell

还没看这书前,我是会没头绪地选股票,然后没头没脑地乱买乱卖,如等head&shoulder 啦,cup of handler啦,先买然后等季度财务报表出,如果当天股价跌,投机就变投资,等以后再卖;若股价上,当天就卖,赚差价,然后把自己当神看。



看了这书后,我才发现我现在能很容易地follow up我自己所投资的公司。不会像以前,今天看PEPE低就买;或是今天看dividend yield,高就买;最槽糕的是,今天我感觉股票会上,所以买。结果大多数时间当高手

现在当我的朋友问我,是不是熊市了?做么今天早上股价大跌,会不会反弹,还是会继续跌下去?我的答案是I don’t care。上的话,我会买,跌的话我会止损。我会follow我的systemtrade/invest

结果朋友说:“TIU 你,什么I don’t  care wor,我也会教你啦,四个字,要低买高卖嘛!

我是engineering background的家伙,所以simple system对我来说是很重要。因为酱我就不会在牛市或熊市panic了。

这书就是《Rule#1》,作者是Phil Town。我的白马王子
不过我follow这书里的Invest System还是让我这新人继续亏了不少的钱,也赚了一些钱还是继续慢慢地摸石头过河

2005-2006黑暗时代 --一个书虫在股海中挣扎

**PS:写这故事前,我要强调一点,我以下所写的是我的脑袋能力及IQ里所明白那作者所写的东西。很多时候那作者不是酱的意思,但是我会misunderstood。所以以下是我所明白所filterbias的东西,而不是作者的意思,要了解作者的investing concept,可以去读它的书本。


1.        冷眼:《30年股票投资心得》
i.        PE<10
ii.        反向
iii.        成长
iv.        时间



2.        William O’Neil How to Make Money in Stocks-- CAN-SLIM
CAN-SLIM strategy强调的是要买高卖更高,而且一定要在7%-8%止损,never averaging down。当时我不能接受,因为我是决定要Longterm Invest而且是要低买高卖。

*但是今天我大多数都是买高卖更高的,也用averaging up

3.        Benjamin Graham Intelligent Investor
我也读过《Security Analysis》,但是读完过后我发现我完全对那书里写的东西没印象。原来我也有白痴的一面。

Intelligent Investor》有教到要在蓝筹股中找到NetWorkingCapital 大过share price的股票。这应该是impossible了。所以我又放弃了这system

*但是我在2008年的一部分资金用了这一招。50% profit Yeah!

4.        Warren Buffett:人家说Warren Buffett怎样说的书
人家说Warrant Buffett说要长期投资,当你买了一个股票就当作明天股市已关了,而且你要hold 一辈子。除非那公司的素质差了。哎哟,我不是天才,我怎样才能知道什么公司能hold一辈子呢?而且大多数的书都是别人说Warren Buffett怎样说。算了,我还是请教其他大师。

5.        Philip A.Fisher:《Common Stock Uncommon Profit》的第三章:买进那支股票
其他14Point都是要观察business modelPoint,如第15Point:这家公司管理层的诚信正直态度是否毋庸置疑?hello,我怎样去知道咧?Google了也只知道管理层有6个公的,一个女的。

*Philip A. Fisher先生,不是你的错,而是我懒惰去观察公司的点点滴滴。我还在学习怎样已business model方式来观察一个公司。

6.        John Neff:《JohnNeff on Investing

*John Neff先生,不是你的教导有问题,只是我比较没耐心等。

7.        PeterLynchOne Up on Wallstreet – Highly recommended to read

起初我要用Peter的战略时,会比较辛苦,因为书中都是故事。我必须一个chapter一个chapter来写下笔记。 当我做完笔记后,我还是blurblur的。

*不过后来,当我读了《Rule#1》的书就容易很多了。我就马上明白PeterLynch所表达及他的invest system是应该怎样开始选公司,怎样monitoring,怎样exit。什么时候该hold,什么时候该sell

**PS:这些大师的招数肯定能在股市赚钱的,只是这些招数不符合我的心理学。例如,我比较没耐性,我不喜欢看着我的钱在银行里睡觉。很多招数是可能要等5年才能买股票。但我没那耐性。有些招数是要你很仔细地观察一个股票公司的素质。我还没有生意头脑,所以要怎样观察咧?我的强项是数学及概率probability,我现在所用的方式比较偏向 probability

回忆中 -- 新手的开始

我在这写下那时候的我用William O’NeilCAN-SLIM方程式来做的过程。

C – Current Quarterly Earning per share. 公司最新季报表的EPS最少要25%growth

*我对consumer sector的公司比较有兴趣,所以就从Consumer SectorACOSTEC公司下手,直到YSPSAH。当时只有几家meet到这requirement如:DLADYMAMEE等等,我忘了当时我还选什么公司,但印象较深刻的是这两家。

***2011年感想:当时我没注意到MAMEEEPS growth会高的原因是它上一年季的EPS很差,而这年的季EPSsoso而已。所以才会使到它这季的EPS growth超过25%以上。

A – Annual Earning Increases. 公司的5EPS annual return最少要25%以上。

*DLADYMAMEE都没meet这条件,所以ConsumerSector全部都fail在这条件。之后我就去找其他我知道又出名的公司来查看如:GENTINGPBBANKMAYBANKMASKFC等等。没有一个公司能fullfill 五年EPS annual return 25% 以上。我就想出了一个方法,就是modify CAN-SLIMrequirement咯。呵呵!把annual return的条件降低到15%就行了咯。呵呵!

***2011年感想:后来,我才发现,请不要随意改变Invest system的条件,因为一个投资家的system里每个条件都是息息相关的。除非我明白他那条件的用意。

N – New Products, New Management, New High.公司有没有出产新产品?还是已换新的管理层?股价已创新高了吗?

*MAMEE当时有出些新的零食产品。酱就算有New Products了咯。呵呵。 meet一个requirement了。


S – Supply and Demand.公司的Trading Volume是增加或减少?

*MAMEEtrading volume好像一直上升,ok啦,当作这条件已fulfill了。

L – Leader or Laggard. 公司是在自己领域中的佼佼者或最强的吗?

*MAMEE的最强对手应该是NESTLE。若NESTLE是第一,那么MAMEE算第二,也是one of the Best咯。


I – Institutional Sponsorship.公司被大基金拥有了多少巴仙?

*到底要看多少巴仙呢?从annual report看,大股东是Pang家族,其他基金占很少,应该算ok了吧!


M – Market Direction. 要用cup of Handler或当股价创新高时才买。

*要用cup of handlertechnical analysis来买股票。当时我认为,我要成为Fundatmental Investor,所以我要忽略这条件。

***2011年感想:我不应该排斥Technical Analysis或者是Fundamental Analysis。现在我才发现没有一个完美的投资方程式,只有适不适合我的投资方程式。

其他重要条件:WhenToSell -- Always, without Exception, Limit Losses to 7% or 8% of Your Cost.

*我是要长期投资的,我要买了就当作明天没开市了。我不可能会7%Cut Loss的。所以我要自己改这条件,把这条件换成Never Sell Unless The companies quality is drop!

***2011年感想:后来,我才发现,请千万千万不要随意改变Invest system的条件,因为一个投资家的system里每个条件都是息息相关的。除非我真的真的明白他那条件的用意。例如这CutLoss的条件。

1. 因为O’Neil 的理念是买创新高,然后卖更高。如果一支股开始跌了,那就要赶快CutLoss,它大多数的机会是会跌了,跌更多。所以当我改后,股票跌了,我还在死守着。因为没7%CutLoss,所以我Loss30%

2. 因为O’Neil 的理念是买创新高,然后卖更高。如果一支股的5annual EPS growth没超过25%,它很大的机会,不会创新高后,再创更新高。

3. 因为O’Neil 的理念是买创新高,然后卖更高。如果一支股在创新高时的trading volume低,它很大的机会不会创新高后,再创更新高。因为不够supplysupport它。创新高时的trading volume一定要高的条件,当时的我忽略了。这是其中一个很重要的条件。

4. 等等...

1. 我不可以轻易改变一个投资家的system,除非我明白他那条件的意义。
2. 现在我才发现没有一个完美的投资方程式,只有适不适合我的投资方程式。
3. CAN-SLIM这方程式不大适合用在马来西亚股市,除非要把它改变一些。我不知道怎样改变,后来我就放弃这方程式了。以后可能进军美国股市时,可以在拿出来用。
4. 有时候,我会misunderstanding书里所教的东西,所以要不断的温习,思考,检讨来明白。


我这新手开始学习时,真的是走了很多冤枉路,撞了几次的墙 ,有时还撞了同样的墙几次才醒 。尝试了很多个system才渐渐的发现那个适合自己。

原文来自 investtalk


Statistics show that most equity investors including professionals cannot beat the stock index. Studies have also shown that more than 80 % of day traders lose money mainly due to transaction costs and they select shares based on hot tips. There are several reasons for their poor performance but the most frequent mistake is ‘loss aversion’.  This is a psychological obstacle which has been consistently affecting their performance especially in view of the ups and downs that is the normal behavior of the stock market.

How to select shares?
It is easy to master all the basic fundamental principles in stock selection. The most important criterion, in my opinion is that the stock must be ‘Undervalued and with good profit growth prospect’. I will not buy a stock which does not have this quality. In other words – buy on solid evidence of value and good profit growth  – not on the basis of speculation or hot tips!

After you have bought some stock that you think can perform well, you will have to decide when and which stock to sell. Often many investors make the mistake of selling the good ones to lock in profit early but retain those that are not performing because of their aversion to taking losses on these. Some regret their action later and may even jump back into the market to buy the same stock that they had just sold but at a higher price. Most of them do not jump back into the market for the stock and they can only watch the stock go higher and higher.

Loss Aversion:
Some investors may object to the implication that loss aversion is a bad thing. After all, it is a very natural behavior. They might justifiably point out that the tendency to weigh losses more heavily than gains is a net positive attitude. After all, investors who care too much about possible gains and too little about potential losses, run a great risk that can threaten their portfolios. It may appear better to care more about the share price falling than hoping for it to climb higher.

True enough; loss aversion can be helpful and is part of a conservative strategy. But an over sensitivity to loss can also have negative consequences. One of the most obvious and most important areas in which loss aversion skews judgment is in selling too early and missing the additional profit if you dare to hold it longer. Very often even clever investors who are well versed in stock selection cannot overcome this psychological fear.

What is tricky about this concept of loss aversion is that it can often lead us in the opposite direction- to hold on to a losing investment for longer than we should. I asked one of my friends why he sold a particular stock instead of selling his other holdings that he bought at higher prices? He said that he did not want to recognize the losses but preferred to lock in the profit. This is the most common mistake committed by investors because they do not want to admit their mistake of picking the wrong stock. Moreover, the profit from the sale could easily cover the losses.

Studies have shown that on average, it is easier for well managed companies to continue their good performance than for bad companies to improve their poor position. That is why we should not sell good shares too early and retain the bad shares.

Why invest in public listed shares?
Statistics show that our Malaysian Stock Index has an average annual growth rate of about 10% which is more than most other forms of investment. You can make more than 10% if you buy really undervalued stocks with good profit growth prospect.

There is a classic saying ‘you can still buy the winning horse after the race in the stock market’. It means that you can still buy shares of really good companies after they have announced their good results.

Moreover, profit from share investment is tax free in Malaysia. You do not have to deal with people which is the most difficult from my experience, as you can never satisfy everybody. You do not have to consult anybody if you want to buy, sell or hold. Another advantage is that there is no bad debt, all cash deal.

When to sell?
After having said all that about selling too early due to the loss aversion phenomenon, we must not forget that no share can keep climbing up and up indefinitely for whatever reasons. In other words, we must not be too greedy and wait for the bubble to burst. Hence the time to sell is when the reasons you bought the share – undervalued  and good profit growth prospect – are no longer there or valid. Sometimes you have to sell to raise cash to buy another stock which is better.

By Koon Yew Yin

*original article from kclau.com/investment/clever-investors-big-money-mistakes/

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